Rewritten URLs on this mirrored page may not work. ⚠️ Content here is for search engine crawlers. (Thank you DevolasRevenge) Page Index for this GitHub WikiĪbout GitHub Wiki SEE, a crawler enabler for GitHub Wikis as GitHub blocks If the DAT isn't in the same folder as the DTT, then the textures won't import along with the model.In a new Blender scene: Go to File > Import > DTT file for NieR Automata (.dtt). Make sure that you have both the DTT and DATs in the same folder (once they are exported). A list of what models belong to what DTTs and DATs can be found here ( ).Ģ.Ive tried to rip these font and there are missing words. To import a model in Blender, you need both the DTT and DAT: for instance if you want to import 2B's model you will need to locate & rip pl000d.dtt & pl000d.dat I recently found this theme as a fan of NieR Automata but also as a Japanese it is unfortunate.You can rip DTT's and DAT's from NieR Automata using NieRExplorer or CriPakTools.